Ludicrus Pompus has been Emperor for two years. He needs a holiday at Villa Pompeii. His retinue of back-stabbing, unsociable, scheming, sex-driven reprobates, gather at the Villa for an informal evening with their unbeloved Emperor. The evening begins with not uncommon Roman entertainment: death by sword. The sword of Sparactacus, the incompetent bodyguard, is found beside the blood-soaked body of Publius Commodus, the Emperor’s hated and feared Private Secretary and Spymaster.

Is Botoxa Buxia, the Vestal Virgin, really an innocent maiden? Is Sextus Severus, the Head Eunuch, really no good with a sword? All of the suspects have motives for murder. Can you help Lida Lotta find the perpetrator?

A Tale of Sherwood Forest

Lord Ivanadelbrayne and Roger of Ruislip, the Sheriff of Nottingham, are on a hunting trip in Sherwood Forest. They are camped in the forest awaiting breakfast, when the famous outlaw, Colin of Croxley, invades the camp. He intends to rescue his beloved Maid Maureen, but she is unaware that she needs rescuing. Colin’s thunder is stolen as the body of the Black Knight is found in the river, by Deirdre Dumpling, the cook. Lady Ivanadelbrayne is strangely grieved by the Knight’s death. With your help Lida Lott must use all her mystery-solving skills to find the killer.

(Contemporary. Costumes mainly nightware.)

Hopeful House Hotel is a small country hotel which has been booked for a team building weekend by The Spice of Life, a company selling marital aids. Justin First (the Managing Director) is found dead in the gym on Saturday morning. Is the aloof Miss Guided the murderer; the reserved Shanda Lear; the nervous Chris P. Bacon; or one of the other suspects? Can you help Detective Chief Inspector Lida Lott find the culprit?